The Beginning of the End

I. Am. Writing. A. Blog.

This seems incomprehensible to me. First of all, let me say that I am not one to jump on bandwagons. Or any kind of wagons, for that matter. The last time I remember being in a wagon, I thought to myself, "It is entirely too cold and this is a ridiculous amount of hay - why am I here?" And I proceeded to jump off of the wagon.

Doing things for the sake of popularity or conformity has never appealed to me. Thus, I have stayed away from creating/writing a blog as if it were some kind catching disease. I just have not had the time or desire to be taken down by the virtual equivalent of chicken pox. And yet, here I am...I have been exposed to the maddeningly spreading red dots, and they have started to pop up when I least expected. And the worst of all...I've started to scratch.

Let me be perfectly clear on this one point, however - I am not starting this blog because I want every one to read it and hang on my every word about the details of my days (although, I'm sure at some point, I will feel the need to vent through my keyboard). After reading a few random blogs over the past few months, I've realized it's a good way to spread my writer's wings (or fingers) and get some well-needed practice in. I like writing. It would be a fabulous realization of a dream to actually write about things I love (or would like to learn about) and support myself by doing this.

So, in an effort to become a better writer (and appease a few people who want to know more details of my somewhat uneventful life as I attempt to make it more eventful), here is my first post.

Doesn't scratching chicken pox leave scars? Sigh...what have I gotten myself into?


    I, for one, welcome the end.


    I can't believe you actually started a blog...and I was totally right about the style of it. I just knew that you would use it for you writing opposed to your nun chucks skills..:) Forgive me. It's almost 3:30am and I am a loopy new mommy!
    I can say that I'll enjoy reading your blog. You crack me up.


    All the cool kids have blogs. Even some people that aren't cool...but we'll ignore them.
    I love that you blog...or at least did it once! Keep it up!! :)
    Love you!


    Karen ratted you out. I now know you have a blog. Very good writing style!

    I love your wagon and jello analogies as well, even though I don't like jello either.


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